
Interview Richard Aherne with Martin Walker: journalism, books, German

Published by Richard Ahrene in 2020

Martin Walker has settled into a very comfortable existence as an author and unofficial Cultural Ambassador of Le Périgord, sharing his time between Washington, DC and Le Bugue. On Le Bugue's market day, we got together for coffee and talk. RA: How did you master German so quickly? MW: I started listening to Lotte Lenya, reading Der Spiegel every week, and memorizing Kurt Weil songs. Additionally, I studied with German tutors online....Continue reading 

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Part of an Interview with Louise Mclean

Published by Zeus Information in 2005

When Martin Walker published his fifth book in 1993 - 

Dirty Medicine: Science, big business and the assault on natural health care, it sent shock waves through the natural healthcare industry. He set up Slingshot Publications to publish this book and others for writers having difficulties getting their books published by mainstream publishing houses. Louise Mclean talks to Martin about his books, his views and his writing...Continue reading 


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